IB Tests
Every IB Diploma candidate
must take a total of
6 IB exams
[3 Standard Level exams and 3 Higher Level exams]
from courses in each of
the 6 IB testing categories.
Each IB subject is assessed on a scale of
1 to 7
with a score of 4 considered passing
All IB and AP classes, as well as class descriptions,
can be found in the course description guide below.
IB Categories and Possible Exams
Individuals and Societies
History SL/HL
Economics SL
Environmental Systems and Societies SL
Business Management SL/HL
Biology HL
Physics HL
Chemistry SL/HL
Environmental Systems and Societies SL
Computer Science SL/HL
Language Acquisition*
French SL/HL
Spanish SL/HL
Latin SL
*In order to take an IB language test, you must be in either level 5 of Spanish/French or level 4 of Latin (must start in Spanish/French 2 or Latin 1 as freshmen to get to Spanish/French 5 or Latin 4 as a senior)
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches SL/HL
Mathematics Applications and Interpretation SL
Language and Literature*
English Literature HL
*At Fairview, one of your HL tests must be LA
Visual Art SL/HL
Film SL/HL
*Students may, in lieu of an exam in the Arts, take an additional exam from the Sciences, Individuals and Societies, or Language Acquisition categories as their "elective" exam.
Traditional standardized examinations taken at the
end of the course.
External Assessments are graded
by IB examiners around the world.
They account for 50-80% of the
final IB exam score because of
their reliable objectivity.
essays -
short-response questions -
data and text-response questions -
case-study questions -
multiple-choice questions -
Assessments completed
during the course that impact
IB scores and course grades.
Internal Assessments are graded by
the student's teacher and the scores are moderated by IB examiners.
They account for 20-50%
of the final exam score.
- oral work in languages
- laboratory work in the sciences
- investigations in mathematics
- artistic performances and portfolios
- papers in literature and history
External vs. Internal